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I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 3:17 am
by Tim Powell
Hey Crew.
Just checking in to see how everyone is handling our Country being closed for business???
My Lori & I have been good lil troopers and staying home but this is getting old.
The cure seems to be worse than the cause. My humble opinion only.
Had the vehicles out for a spring drive. The M37 needs a tune up and the 48 sedan needs tires.
Sadly our 48 is for sale. Too many vehicles to maintain now that we are both retired.
Hey, life goes on right! When going through hell, keep going. (Winston Churchill)
Spring Time Ride.
Spring Time Ride.
48 & Aussie.jpg (35.07 KiB) Viewed 2610 times

Re: I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 12:36 pm
by HingsingM37
Hello Tim,

Glad to hear you and Lori are well. After 10+ years on the road my M37 is due for a tune up as well.

I am fortunate enough along with the entire crew to have kept working. We provide critical spares for mining,forestry, and other essential industry. I worked one day from home and have been in the office ever since. Other than not being able to go to church, my favorite pubs, and my MV rally being cancelled down here, the wife and I are well. The folks down here are pretty much of the opinion this is an Orwellian exercise in martial law.Nobody at my workplace, church, or extended social media groups knows anybody who has tested positive or died from this.

If I had wrote what has transpired in the last 10 weeks as a sci-fi movie script last year, it would have been bought and produced. The cure is worse than the cause. Somewhere a room full of smoking men (shameless X Files reference) are laughing.

I have a niece working in a NYC hospital and she was laughing at the overblown news reports of alleged Covid-19 deaths, body counts, and lack of supplies. She and other nurses have been trying to find busy work for the last two weeks.
PT Barnum would have loved this.....
Stay safe.

Re: I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 5:24 pm
by Tim Powell
Hello David!
Very well written and I fully agree. This has to stop.
I fear for the next generations who will pay for this for the rest of their lives.

Re: I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 11:25 pm
by Cal_Gary
Hi Tim and David! Glad you are well! Veronica and I remain isolated as much as possible; fortunately we have an RV trip coming up which is the best of all worlds! We can go on vacation to beautiful places but still isolate because we're in the motor home! As long as we're amply supplied with groceries and drinks, life remains good!

Re: I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 3:50 am
by Tim Powell
Hey Gary.
Glad you Guys are planning a trip! Sounds like fun.
Right about the time this china-crap started I took Lori's IH to the shop,in Illinois
to have cruise control installed. Well, long story short they started the job but when extra parts were
needed they can't get them. The supplier is closed. Who knows when we get the truck back.
No trips in the near future for the Powell Crew. :( Someday! :D
"94" IH toterhome
"94" IH toterhome
1994 IH.jpg (20 KiB) Viewed 2567 times

Re: I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:07 am
Here in my smaller UpState SC city, south of Charlotte, it seems lots of cars out, although dining is carry out, and we too are having to do with an on-line church services. Being retired, life isn't really much different for us. I see all the awful circumstances on the TV for so many people, but I don't know anyone ill, or dead, so it just isn't visible to me. In a bit will meet some chaps at an outdoor shooting range for some practice. I always bring one of my older rifles, this time, my '44 Inland Carbine. As for my CA, I am in remission for now and doing alright. Put the full flow oil system on a few weeks ago, no leaks, filters about 2 gal per minute. Then just finished up reducing my fuel pressure slightly, was too rich, with a fuel pressure controller, now at just under four pounds, all good there. Added carb line heat protection, and re-set my timing more precisely. Compression was 120-125 on all six. No oil leaks anywhere. So things are good for me and my truck. Have one new front windshield to install and that about wraps it up for now.

Be safe, and enjoy the spring. HC

Re: I'm Freaking Out Man!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:19 am
by Tim Powell
Hello HC.
Really glad to hear things are going well for you.
Good to hear your progress on the truck as well.
Don't forget your aiming-oil when you hit the range. :D