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M42 Accessories?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:04 am
by topellis
I happened across a small military box yesterday at a sale and wondered if it could possibly be a accessory to the M42. I will try to make some pics later. Box about 18 inches cube, made of same type material construcion as a BC-5 chest... or armored type similar to a foot locker but made of some sort of fiber board and armored/ riveted edges and corners. Box is for field use and military for sure. Front lid has two latches and door swings down to give a writing surface. It has several pull out drawers. Looks like either an admin or medical records box. Does anyone know who could identify it? Unfortunate thing is some moron painted it florescent green.... but the od is still underneath.


Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:16 am
by m-37Bruce
Hey Mark,
I guessing you bought it? It sounds like a desk of some type, but florescent green?
Happy Father's Day Everyone!

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:22 am
by topellis
Hey Bruce,
lol yes lime green and yes I bought it for not much at all. When I opened it and saw it looked pretty much intact inside and I wondered if something like this could have been used in an M42 or possibly the ambulance? Anyway the lime green is thin and you can read something beneath. Will get the camera out in just a bit. I thought it was a cool mil accessory either way. Not sure it would classify as a desk or not. Could be a part of a desk but it is a self contained box. Like a box an admin clerk or possibly a radio operator would work out of in the field. Pics to follow if I can still remember how to post


Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:06 am
by Lifer
Sounds like a typical field desk. Somewhere, maybe on the inside of the lid, there should be a nomenclature stencil telling exactly what it is. Of course, it could be under the fluorescent green.

These desks were used by virtually all units who deployed in wartime. Unit orderly rooms certainly had some. Communications outfits undlubtedly had 'em. Any unit that had need of an office had at least one or two.

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:42 pm
by topellis
Hey LIfer,
I saw many standard field desks in 25 yrs in the Corps. It is not a traditional field desk that would be of the late 70's to present. I have pics and will hopefully get them on soon.

Thanks for trying to help.


Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:15 pm
by topellis
Here are the pics, hope it works. Data plate says Top Line : Stock No 26-D-35 Second line: Tent Spec Co No 1016 Third Line Dated 12-5-44 Fourth LIne: Hartman Trunk Co








Thanks for any info.


Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:46 am
by Lifer
Aha! Don't kknow what the official nomenclature is, but we used those as field file cabinets in TAC. That particular type of construction was common during the Korean and Vietnamese wars. The last one I saw in daily use was being used by my local Red Cross blood collection unit. They had a field desk and 2 of the file cabinets that they hauled around with them. The latest versions, I think, are plastic and look kinda like the RubberMaid office equipment you can buy at WalMart.

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:08 am
by m-37Bruce
Makes sense to me! The painted over description/nomenclature, I cannot read. :?

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:30 am
by topellis
Bruce, the pic of the data plate didnt' come out real well. The information is typed above the pics. I wonder if what I assume is a 1944 date is an actual manufacture date of the date of the "spec".

Does anyone know where/who would know anything about this type of trunk?


Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:47 am
by Lifer
Hey, Top! I got curious, which can be a very dangerous thing when you have nothing but time on your hands, and did some searching.

It turns out that Hartmann (2 "n"s) Trunk Co. is still in business. Their web site has a link to pics of some of their antique trunks. What you have is definately a 1940s era military field desk. It shows coomplete inside and outside views, so there's no mistaking it.

Living dangerously, 'cuz I don't know any other way, I had my wife clear all her sewing junk away from my old Air Force footlocker and tip it so I could see the front. Ta-daa! "Hartmann Trunk Co." bold as brass. The ol' lady is now putting her stuff back on and around it and muttering things about doing that again "when hell freezes over" under her breath. I may be on short rations for a while. ;)

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:37 pm
by m-37Bruce
Mark, Your trunk just keeps getting better, great catch/addition for your rig.

Nice work Charles, too bad the ball & chain is so grumpy about it? How you feeling Lifer, glad to see your still here.

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:30 am
by Lifer
Yesterday, I felt "pretty good," all things considered. Not much pain, breathing fairly easily, etc.

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:31 am
by Lifer
Yesterday was pretty good, all things considered. Today, not so much. :(

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:35 am
by Lifer
How did that happen? That first reply disappeared while I was still typing it. I hit a wrong key somewhere and it just went away.

I started over and did everything right, and voila! There it is! It posted all by itself!

Re: M42 Accessories?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:44 am
by topellis
Thanks for doing some research on that. I thought by looking at it that it was of at least 50-60's era but maybe the 44 date on the tag is year of manuf? I will look at their site but wondered if that larger compartment in the middle was supposed to have a drawer or if it was open like mine is? Also there are two small black screw top bottles like would contain a liquid or powder? I think you can see them in the pics in the upper right drawer. They have a place to fit so am pretty sure they are original. If anyone has a clue what they are for I would appreciate knowing. Bruce, yes I did pretty good I think. I have two larger trunks that I think are called BC-5 chests made out of similar material and the same type lock. I will look them over and compare, they may be by the same company too. Any suggestions as to how to get the gosh awful glow in the dark green off without making a mess of the thing? I guess very careful sanding could get most of it back to the original paint and stop then recoat with correct paint but I don't want to sand much around all those rivets and such... so considered a chemical remover but worried it may cause problems too.

Thanks for any info.
