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This time, vets return to welcome

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:15 am
by nivek
This time, vets return to welcome
Christian Science Monitor

"In the eyes of many critics, the war in Iraq has become a 'quagmire'
-- reminiscent of Vietnam. But as the nation prepares to mark the
fifth Veterans Day since the US-led invasion, the two lengthy and
controversial conflicts are very different in one crucial way. This
time, combat vets are being welcomed back by Americans of all
political persuasions. Around the country, community groups, local
businesses, service organizations, clubs, and faith groups are helping
build homes with special features or providing vehicles to accommodate
wounded GIs. They're donating to educational scholarships and
providing airline tickets so soldiers on leave from the war zone can
get all the way home. And veterans themselves -- some of them
old-timers, some recently returned from war themselves -- have
organized to provide a comradely ear as difficult experiences are
related." (11/08/07)