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Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:36 am
by T. Highway

I have tried Tiny-Pics, Photo bucket and even from the server at work. I have zero problems using all of these for other sites but for some reason here all the links are broken. I think you've programmed this site to think that I'm a BOT. :lol:


Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:54 am
by Monkey Man
No, if I had done that the server would be even harder on you than it is now :wink:
I'll check your account and see if it is ok, also, if you are using the photo bucket copied link it had both the picture link and the photo bucket link, I usually trim those so you see the photo but if you click on it you don't get whisked away to a photo bucket account's contents, EG:
Remember to use what photo bucket gives you and don't use the URL or IMG functions at the top of the post window, Photo bucket does it all for you in the link code.

This is what it gives you:

[url= ... r.jpg.html][img] ... 41zxcr.jpg[/img][/url]

This is what I cut it down to:

[img] ... 41zxcr.jpg[/img]

Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:56 am
by Monkey Man
And this is what I end up with.....
(code disabled in previous post so you could see what the go was)
I have checked your account Bert, it's all good, there should be no reason why you cannot post so I am not sure why you are having issues, cookies being disabled might? be one but it is unlikely.



Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:52 pm
by T. Highway
I know not to use the URL or IMG on the top of the page.
I will sit down and compare the link code from another site that I posted on, to see why it's different when I try to post here.
I don't know why I didn't think of looking into that before. :oops:

Thanks MM, by the looks of your picture you are lacking snow in that part of the world.


Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:07 pm
by Monkey Man
Try just copying and pasting what I have there, it will work, I just disabled the ability to post code for that particular posting so you could see what the go was, in a new post it should simply work as it did in my next posting.
I can assist you with team viewer if you cannot sort it, It is possible 2 mental cases will have a better success rate than 1 LOL
Oh, and it has not snowed in town for 40 years or so, I wish it would but global warming per se is actually happening here, average temperatures have risen over a long time, so much so that snow in town does not happen and it has not seen a good fall in outer areas for a looooong time. The lakes used to freeze quite a bit, now, I have not even heard of it happening. We get -1 or 2 centigrade in town in winter, starting to get well over 30C + in the summer, even had 39.8C a couple of years ago :shock:


Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:53 am
by T. Highway


103F happens here at least a couple of times every August. Today we hit our high of 22F :roll:


Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:22 pm
by Monkey Man
Good to see it worked Bert, you must have some sort of syntax error preventing it OR you have your albums set to private so even though the link is correct the picture hosting server will not share them unless the user is logged in as you :-)


Re: So what's planned for Veterans' Day?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:40 am
by T. Highway
Cal_Gary wrote:Ahem... Bert? Pix?
At the lakefront War Memorial after being ask not to park or drive on the grass

Picture 2 after the police stop by to admire the vehicles

End of the parade route crossing the War Memorial Bridge