David Ahl book

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Post by popcorbettm37b1 »

I came across this book online and thought it would be something to see. I googled it and came across only 1 choice at amazon.com for $261. it plainly states the suggested list price of $19.95. I couldn't believe what the guy was asking for it. I would like to get in line for the copy for forum members. Thanks!
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Post by MSeriesRebuild »

Cal_Gary wrote:Here is the link to David Ahl's site, for those who don't own the guide:

Am I the only one who's mind is blown by this book? I just took a minute to read this link in the above quote. Now supposidly David is rebuilding/restoring this truck, the only thing I saw listed that was engine related was where he bought 2 sets of spark plugs, the 2nd set bought because the first set rusted of all reasons. The only component on the truck that he mentioned rebuilding was the winch, I have to wonder what this guy's definition of a rebuild really is??? Today's cost of a new US made cable, leader chain, & hook hardware being well over $600 & he only spent around $350, go figure. His total cost for his SO CALLED restoration being just over $36,000, but look closer, over half of that cost is for stuff totally unrelated to truck work. $15,000 for a new garage bay, $2,500 owed as labor, hernia surgery, expenses for taking out the wife,etc. It almost sounds as if he's telling a joke, in my opinion he is. According to this description, almost no attention was given to the mechanicals, didn't even mention a brake system rebuild, we consider that a must on every project.

Oh well, I guess this accounts for the call I got some time back from the guy that bought the truck from David. He told me he bought this truck convinced it had to be a prime jewel. When he contacted us, the engine had blown & it was currently sitting behind his house in the brush. His story was he had paid so much for this prime restored truck that he couldn't afford to get the engine rebuilt. As far as I know, there she still sits in the brush. Based on the description I just read, this is truly what I would call a SIMONIZE OVERHAUL, nothing but a paint job to cover stuff for a quick sale. No, I just don't get why folks think this book is so great, I mean all things considered, it must rank near the top of the list on the biggest rip-offs of all time.
Last edited by MSeriesRebuild on Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gwalker »

I agree w mr Talbert the book is hardly an kind of guide to a restoration. Im not sure if mr. Ahl ever did any restoration work prior to, or since, that vehicle. I am surprised that it ever sold so well, but for a novice who needs any help they can find its a start(of some kind). As for paying more than around $20 for a copy I cant see it, a Tm has more useful info.
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Post by Rusty S. »

Yes, I agree, it has all been said before and before and before. As for the money issue and Mr Ahl`s trucks, he has created and sold a number of magazines outside the MV realm and money is the least of his problems. He could buy and sell anyone of here on this forum.

It might be a good idea to move on despite our OCDs and get over it. Yes, I know Mr Ahl personally and I dont think the book was at any point considered an overhaul manual for the M37 which ever way it was marketed or what ever. He was new at the hobby and had money to publish the book. This was the result.

Mr. MseriesRebuild, I think a person of your knowledge should use it and this board to propagate the knowledge that is available than to constantly go off everytime this book is mentioned. Unfortunately some of your statements are not quite true. I would rather gather useful info from your posts than read aspursions that are not a quality contribution but more of a personal rant. It grows tiring to read stuff like this and it is as equally tiring to have to suppress the flames.

Bear in mind that I dont disagree with your basic contention but I do disagree with your obsession and the resulting trash talk that comes about.

This reminds me of the "Simpsons" episode where the new guy(Grimes) who was extremely smart, worked hard and made his way up and hire out at the power plant, became so enamoured with Homer`s sucess (even though Homer was dummy) he harped on it constantly only to fry himself to death on a high voltage line as he pretended to be Homer and do something stupid and get away with it. A simple anology but it hits the nail on the head...

When you think everybody is an idiot and you are not, it is time to take a deep breath and move on.
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Post by MSeriesRebuild »

Rusty, you are entitled to your opinion as well as the rest of us. No problem here with that. I do believe there is a difference between trash talk & honest fact however. Honestly I've over looked a number of these post here & there concerning the book. As I've said before, it's the book's title that throws new comers a curve. Many of these guys who talk about wanting it think it paves the road to correctly rebuild & restore a M37. You wouldn't believe the times over the years I've been asked about it. That's the thing that has made me so aware that it's a bum deal for people who need a restoration guide. Yes we know about restoring these trucks inside out. I'm sure that if you know Mr Ahl personally, you should be much more aware of his intentions for this book than me & lots of others. I have one question that I hope you will respond too, I know & agree it has been discussed to death by myself & others. Is it right for us on the forums to just sit aside when a new comer ask where they can find a copy knowing full well they are looking for valid rebuilding information & knowing what the book actually has to offer?? If it were me being a new comer & looking for honest opinions who got ignored because a few are tired of hearing discussion on a subject, I wouldn't be too happy when I found out no one would respond to my question with a honest answer because some don't want to hear it discussed any longer. The manuals on CD for $19.95 offers way more than this book, I find it hard not to share this with new comers. What would you tell them? I'm interested in knowing what your response would be.

After reading the bit of personal information you shared about David Ahl, the question that looms in my mind now is this. Is he a person in the publishing business who knows how to title his product in order to maximize sales? If so, this likely sheds a lot of light on the publication & why it's what it is. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, bear in mind that I said it was a question that looms only after reading information that you shared.
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Post by k8icu »

I agree with Charles on this one... I've read his website etc. Now most of my 25 years of MV experience has been with M151s and 2.5 tons.... though in a day or so I will have my first M37...yeah...I have a few restorations under my belt. To me if you don't at least check the motor out, pull and repack the barrings and check the brakes and brake system out for safety your not doing a restoration. He gave the truck what my dad calls a lick and a promise. I think the book is miss leading. The All American Wonder which is a MB/GPW restoration book is more what one would think they were getting when looking at the title then what they actually get.
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Post by Rusty S. »

You make a perfect point about steering new comers in the right direction. Yes, the CDs are great, I have them too. I like printing out the page I need and crawling under the truck with it. A spiral bound manual would work the same way.

I agree, that this book is not what it appears to be. I would not recommend it to a new person in the hobby. Like I said in an earlier post, I consider it a tongue in check book of anecdotes about a "restoration" of his truck. Sure, yes he took liberties in the restoration, but that is more the mainstream in the hobby than MVers care to admit, at least back then. I wouldnt do my truck the way he did, but I dont care how he does his thing.

While the book in general is not up there with the manuals and pool of know how available here on this forum, it does have a few attributes such as the Alan Bowes (a contibutor at this forum at one time) articles on carbs and distributors. Mr Bowes pointed out details and pitfalls that the manual didnt provide. Mr Kern`s article on replacing rear seals on the axles was a fine article too. Unfortunately, the only way to see these articles is to obtain back issues of MV magazine from 7-8 years ago or Mr Ahl`s book, both of which are hard to come by. There are a few other useful spots in the book too.

I tend to be one of those people who gather information on subjects from many sources and then sift out the fluff from the useful stuff. Mr Ahl`s book has alot of fluff, but it also has some good points. I wouldnt pay more than $20 for it, but I wouldnt feed a fire with it either.

Mr Ahl is a personable decent guy who wasnt out to rip anyone off. He may have thought his book was more than it really was, but he was passing on a passion for the work he did. I am sure you are a decent person, obviously you are since you take the time to help others in our chosen path to keep and preserve these vehicles. I just feel that the discussion about the merit or demerits of this publication are extreme. Guide the lambs away gently with subtle advice but dont think less of them if they stray back out of curiosity...
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Post by MSeriesRebuild »

Thanks for letting us know something about David Ahl's personality. I'll be the first to admit I'm the perfectionist type when it comes to anything I attempt to do. For example, a few weeks ago a customer was here looking over a restoration we have in progress. The floor pan had some rust pits that had been powder coated over, the finish was great, but rust pitting very visible. I asked if he wanted us to repair those pits, he said not worry about it. The next few days went on, the pitting looked awful with everything else around it restored to perfection. I removed the pan & repaired the pits, repainted the pan & reinstalled it at no charge to the customer. To me it's a situation that people will look at this truck & say the guys at M Series left that pitting & how bad it looks. I just don't tolerate this kind of stuff going out of this shop unattended on full restorations like this one is. Sometimes I tend to look at things that don't appear as done right or even well in some cases as something that may have been just as well not done at all. Sometimes I'm right in my assumption, sometimes I'm not. Also it's very hard to get a correct picture of someone's intentions when simply reading a post, after all you don't know the person in the majority of cases, you don't see their facial expressions while they are talking, etc. If we did it likely would change comments that are made sometimes.

After what you have shared about Mr Ahl, my assumption now has changed somewhat although it is still an assumption & nothing more. If he is a publisher as I believe you said, he was likely looking at the $$ the publication brought in more so than doing a really responsible restoration to write about.

To make this comparison to myself, I would be the type that would try to explain everything in explicit detail proof reading it multiple times to be certain of no mistakes & that all was explained in a fashion that it would be understood by all readers. He is the way he is, I'm the way I am. Apparently there is a drastic difference in personalities between he & I.
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Post by peter e mark »

Well, well now. Intuitive insistant inquisitiveness being what it is, I googled some booksellers and came accross the Davie Ahl book for 29. dollars american ! I almost broke my keyboard trying to fill in the shipping address, and accordingly, the book, whatever it actually is, shall arrive by Wednesday next. If it is the real deal, this websight will be so advised, hopefully with the very least amount of arrogance possible .AND IF NOT, I will hide under my truck, like KNATTRASS, for a month
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Post by knattrass »

When we were looking into a project vehicle to work with for my 17 year old, Dave's website was one of the first we came across. While entertaining, it was obvious that he was hitting only the glossy side of life. The "gold" we found was right here, but it took awhile to really get into the details with you guys because we had months of breaking bolts loose. The second biggest issue we had was where to acquire parts from. We got burned by a few until we built our list - JB, Sid, Charles, Jim Wallace, T&N, New Life, etc. Thanks to all, we have a complete truck coming back together - just run out of time & money to work on it all the time! I'm sure the book would make a great coffee table display in the living room, but the wife would not appreciate the oil drips on the carpet. I'll stick to the garage and printing off pages of the manual and the helpful hints you guys provide. Besides, I'm sure all the good parts in Dave's book are covered up by the staples....
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Post by VROD02 »

I have a copy for the passing if anyone is interested. I rate it a 10

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Post by Cal_Gary »

Perhaps Robi or MM can keep this post "always on top" so we don't rehash the highs and lows of this publication every time the topic resurfaces. I have the book, enjoy the book, and recognize its many limitations. :wink:
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Post by Larry S »

Somewhere around about six years ago I was looking to buy a m37 and I came across "the Book". It was used but in perfect condition and I paid $9.00 for it. After reading it, I was no further ahead on the subject of really restoring the m37 than before. Then I saw the Ebay prices and wondered if I had the same book. I learned more here then I ever did from the book. But I will say that if you never saw, sat in or drove a m37 it will give you a simple introduction. The experts are here in this forum and in the TM's. By the way the TM's for the m37 are the best there are. When they made the ones for the m35 I don't think the writers had the expertise they should have. No photo illustrations for one. Anyway I gave the book to the forum so none of us would waste our money on the thing and it could be shared among us. Again if you have a question ask it here, Charles or one of the other experts will know the answer. And keep passing the book around it makes for some light reading
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Re: David Ahl book


anybody got one I could buy or borrow
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Post by m37jarhead »

Cal_Gary wrote:Here is the link to David Ahl's site, for those who don't own the guide:


Gary: I kinda' got a laugh out of the things listed in Ahl's "restoration."
New garage/building, vacation with wife, etc.
One would, of course, have to back out all of these silly charges to get any idea
what would he really spent ON THE M37.
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