Warning! Political pondering!

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Warning! Political pondering!

Post by Lifer »

I got to thinking this morning, which can be a dangerous thing. I'm a registered Democrat, and my wife is a registered Republican. The only political crap we've been hearing in our neck of the woods for the last few months has to do with the Democratic brouhaha between Clinton and Obama. Very little is said about other Democratic candidates, and almost nothing has been said about the Republican race.

Frankly, I favor the Republican candidate Ron Paul, but I don't think he has a chance of winning his party's nomination.

Now, the "dangerous" part of my musings...I think that no matter who wins the Republican nomination, he will be a shoo-in in November. My reasoning is simple. There are more than enough chauvinistic rednecks in America to insure that neither leading Democrat will win the presidency. The "male chauvinist pigs" will not vote for a woman, no matter how well qualified she might be. The rednecks won't vote for a "colored" man, either, even if he's the most qualified candidate in the running.

Then, there's the matter of constitutional qualifications to consider. Both the president and vice president must be male, according to our constitution. Walter Mondale's choice of Geraldine Ferraro probably helped cause his loss to Ronald Reagan because she couldn't have legally taken the oath of office. You'd think that "the powers that be" would have noticed this, but so far nothing has been done to amend the constitution to allow the inauguration of women.

Well, enough of the ramblings of an idle mind! I'll get off the stump now. ;)
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Post by Josh »

Ron Paul X2!!
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Post by Lifer »

I just had another idea. (There I go getting "dangerous" again!) How about we eliminate political parties entirely and make everyone run as an independent candidate. There'd be no need for primary elections that way, and all the speechifyin' could be limited to 6 or 8 weeks immediately prior to election day. Anyone slinging mud about any other candidate would automatically be eliminated from the competition. Does that sound like a workable idea?
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G. Washington on "Political Parties"

Post by nivek »

This is a part of Washington's farewell address. He had a healthy dislike of political parties and a warning to the country. Does it hit the mark?

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.
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Post by Lifer »

Right in the "X" ring!
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Post by HingsingM37 »

What I see on both sides is a good lot of vice-presidential material. None, I feel, are worthy of the presidency at this juncture. America is like a car, whoever is driving has the ability to crash and burn or hand the keys to the next generation. Right now I see a bunch of people with "temps" running for office. The Washington speech above hits dead on. Thats my opinion. It's business as usual in Washington.
Towards the end of the Roman Empire, a senator who's name escapes me, remarked "Our legions are spread to vast, leaving no one to defend our homeland. Rome is being overrun by foriegn peoples and traders who bring decandence and weakness, and contribute nothing back for taxes to Rome, they do not bother to learn our tongue. Without immediate address of these issues, our empire will cease..."

Sound familiar? :x
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Ron Paul

Post by greencom »

Hi Guys, the thing that worries me about Ron Paul is that he wants to privatize everything like the interstate roads. I don't think that making everything a for-profit activity is a good thing. I'm a bit right of center but I also believe that government does have certain responsibility to it's citizens and not leave us to the ruthlessness of corporate America. If fixing a pothole is going to reduce the profit margin for the fiscal year it won't get fixed. I was a registered Democrat but have been so disgusted by what we have to choose from on both sides I had to go independent (like that's going to help). Out of all the great minds in this great land it all boils down to these people, how sad. Sorry for my rant, I'm going out to my garage and crawl under my M and get dirty.
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Post by M-Thrax »

Geraldine Ferraro did help cause Mondales loss after it was discovered that she and her husband made millions in slum tennent housing in New York., not because she was a she. Her son was also kicked out of two college's for dealing drugs! I believe Hillary has her own agenda and tells us what we want to hear. The press is all googoo over Obama so we won't get the dirt on him until after the elections. McCain is stubbern and old, the stubbern part I could live with but a first term 76 yr old president?, I don't think so. As far as color goes, this redneck would vote for Colin Powell in a heartbeat ( redneck term) if he ran.
Last edited by M-Thrax on Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lifer »

I agree that Colin Powell would make an excellent presidential candidate. Too bad he's too smart to run for the office.
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Post by Josh »

sadly Ron is cutting back his presidential campaign and focusing on his congress campaign.

I don't know who to vote for, they all suck.
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Post by Cal_Gary »

I usually don't weigh in on politics since we're all voting for the "lesser liar" anyway, but I believe an old GI would be more inclined to keep legislation to allow our OD rolling along as opposed to one who has no idea of the camraderie and esprit of us old GIs. This is not to slight our civilian friends on the forum or anywhere else in any way, as we have adopted many to exchange ideas and friendship. You have to be an old GI to understand, whether you served in combat or not, but I especially take my hat off to all of you veterans who have.
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Post by Lifer »

You make a point. I have always thought that anyone running for president should be required to have served his (or her) country in uniform. He (or she) will, after all, become the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces and should know what it's like "in the trenches." Look at what we have for a CinC now! A guy who served in the Air National Guard and who frequently missed his drill weekends! "Stormin' Norman" Schwartzkopf would have been a good choice, but like Colin Powell, he's smart enough that he wants no part of the job.

Okay. I'm off my stump, now. ;)
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Post by kc8sfq »

Look at what we have for a CinC now! A guy who served in the Air National Guard and who frequently missed his drill weekends!

I get tired of this line. I spent a big chunk of my life in the Air Guard. I have to say that "W" is NOT my buddy, and in fact I often disagree with him LOUDLY. The problem with the weekend drills is that there are more pilots than aircraft in any squdron. Pilot tasking in any squdron is dictated by pilot fatigue factors. This is due to the fact that you can re arm and re fuel planes faster than pilots. Thus you have to have "extra" pilots. The pilots have training squares to fill and a specified number of hours to fly. There are not enough hours in a weekend drill period to allow all the pilots to fly. The unit budget dictates how many "man days" they can have for pay. Thus there is a thing called "AFTP's" Aditional Flying Training Periods. This allows the pilots to fill their training squares without the squdron having to pay "overtime". AFTP's don't show up on the weekend roster, giving the impression to the un initiated that the pilot was playing hookie. The truth is that the personnel still have filled their obligation.

Here's the bullet point: Why would ANYONE pass up an oppertunity to fly, in an aircraft much hotter and more fun than anything available anywhere else?

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Post by refit1701 »

Neither Hillary or Obama are qualified. Being the first lady does not make you presidential material nor does being a first term senator.

Hillary has a VERY narrow agenda, mostly the completion of the change to Socialism here in the states.

Obama just envigorates certain ethinic citizens and has no agenda but guilt mongering the majority. He needs to spend some time with Bill Cosby.

Republicans....there's not much there either.
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Post by Lifer »

kc8sfq wrote:Look at what we have for a CinC now! A guy who served in the Air National Guard and who frequently missed his drill weekends!

I get tired of this line. I spent a big chunk of my life in the Air Guard.
Msgt (ret) MiANG.
I understand why you're "tired of this line." I did not mean to detract from our Air National Guard troops, having been one of them myself for 7 years. W's records, however, indicate that he took every opportunity to avoid attending drills. That is why I don't feel that he is qualified for the position of Commander-in-Chief.

I have nothing but respect for the members of our National Guard and Reserve components who take their training commitments seriously and who voluntarily put themselves into a position where they may be asked to give up their regular paychecks in exchange for smaller ones at the drop of a hat. That they are willing to put themselves in harm's way when they do so is even more admirable.

Fortunately, the vast majority of our Guard and Reserve troops fall into this category and I would consider them to be acceptable candidates for government office.

Sadly, a very small minority (including "W") do not, and I wouldn't vote for them if they ran for the city council!

OK. I'll get off the stump, now. ;)
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